Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Boop Boop

Thank you for waiting. Your comments are important to us, please continue to hold…

I’m long overdue on writing. But at the same time I’m really not. See here’s the thing with Writers, we do write. Then there’s a big drought when we’re out and about promoting, marketing, living life to collect more to write. My issue right now is that I’ve taken WAY too much time to live and collect.

Hence the ‘long overdue to write’ part because the ideas and words are starting to bubble up and I realize space up there is at a premium. It’s time to purge.

So this afternoon I sat down and started working on the sequel to Reckless Abandon. I decided there’s no reason to follow any rules this time. I’m not going to set it up in some type of formula or follow the first one situation-to-situation like many sequels tend to do. I think that’s the issue with a lot of follow-ups and why they don’t live up to the original – too many of them try to be the original when being original would be better.

This next book needs to share a different story. I think I owe it to the readers who loved Shaw & JJ to give this story a little more about their journey. We’ll see how it goes, I’ve got a lot of ideas how it can come together and though it might fall into a completely different genre than the first, that’s okay.

So while I’ve been out living life and collecting, a whole bunch of stuff happened. There was sister weekend

Which ended with us going to see Wicked with my mom (and it was…wicked awesome!).

There was a whole bunch of this

We were all drinkin’ at McSwiggins! Better known as our house when I made boiled dinner on St. Patrick’s Day and we had some friends & family over for a day filled with laughs & getting our Irish on.

Yummy veggies started growing in the garden. We’ve spent some time with the in-laws. Life stuff kind of took over. And it’s been a couple months of the ‘life stuff’ excuse.

Neither of us are going to die if the laundry doesn’t get done for a couple weeks. We’re not going to fall apart if dust builds up for a while. So it’s definitely time to get back to writing again.

I’m even comfortable starting with just these 420 words.


Launna said...

Hi Jenn, so happy to see you posting again... I hope you are feeling better health wise, it's so nice that you had sister time;)

JudisJems said...


Anonymous said...

Life stuff is always good. That's what keeps us uplifted. Don't know if I worded that right but I'm sure you get the meaning. :)